Monday, February 1, 2010

First time complimented on my Portuguese....

Sent: Mon, Feb 01, 2010 05:19 AM
Hey Minha Familia,
How is it going? Nope did not have a baptism this week. Well I can’t believe that this is the last week of the transfer. I think I will be transferred, but I will know on Saturday. Hey sorry I forgot my camera, I found a cool pic of Garfield in my area. Hey guess what I looked on the Map of Araçatuba and there is a street named Walt Disney. I thought that was cool. Hey the people that showed up were the mission doctors. One of which was my Branch President in the CTM Presidente Brinton. I also got a pic with him. Hey remember Elder Barbosa-went to the zoo with, I got a pic with him too. Conferencia de Zonas was really good. Hey mom that is good that the activity went well. Hey and by the way it is Pão de Quijo-(pow-gee-k-shoo). Hey that is cool about Thomas, tell him I say Hi. Tell him I give him Um Grande abraço-a big hug.

I can’t believe that you guys bought a tandem kayak. That is so cool. That is cool that Matt got a new bed and stuff. Hey thanks for letting me know about the missionary. NO I don’t think I knew him. Keep praying for me. Hey things are going better with my comp. By the way I want the COLTS to TAKE IT ALL THE WAY. Hey last night I went to the LZ’s house to sleep over, and we played war. I don’t know what it is but everyone gangs up on poor me. I totally lost the game. Hey today after we email we are going to go bowling. I am so excited.

Well it is the same old stuff. WORK WORK WORK. Hey I will know Saturday if I am going to be transferred. I think I will be, I am really hoping to be transferred, but we will see what happens. Well hope you guys have a good day and be safe. Um Grande Abraso.
Elder Shelley

Hey every week we send an email to the president. We tell him how our week has been. How things are going. Well usually he doesn’t respond when I am on, but he just responded and he said that it is very good for him to have a missionary like me. I just wanted to tell you guys that. I just thought it was cool.

Hey tell Matt that I think that the Jazz can do well with out Boozer or Williams. Well I have to tell you something cool that happened this week. Well me and Elder Hunsaker were making a contact and some guys asked where we were from. We said Utah. They said something about Utah Jazz basketball. And guess who they said for a basketball player. They knew John Stockton. I thought that it was a small world.

Hey and guess what some Brazilians when me and my comp were doing a contact with some ladies. They actually said that my Portuges was actually really good, for being out for 5 months. Hey this is the first time that Brazilians have complimented me on my portuges.

Well we confirmed Evandro a member. It was a crazy story. First me and Andre-a member we were on a division to get people, well we went to Evandro’s house and a lady said that he did not live there anymore. So we went to get another Investigator, but he was not there. So we went back to Evandro’s house to see if he happened to be there, he wasn’t, so we went to the church. We looked in one of the rooms, and he was there. I was so relieved that he was there. It was a really good feeling. Well anyways everything is going well. I am really loving the mission. Tell anyone that says hi to me tell them I say hi back. I really hope that I get transferred because I just want to go to a different area. I love my area I am in right now, but I am hoping for change. Well things are going a little better with my comp. It was a little rough at the beginning, but things are going well. Oh last night at the LZ’s house I slept in a hammock. I did not like it, it hurt my feet and my neck was in a weird position, but it was fun. We played WAR. It was sort of fun. I don’t know why but everyone likes to gang up on poor Elder Shelley. Well hopefully we are going bowling today. I know we are going to play WAR with some other missionaries. Well have a good week and keep praying for me. Take care.

Elder Shelley

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