Well that is good that Matt was safe. I really worried about him this last week with ATEC. I don’t know why but I really worry about what they are having him do. I just want him to be safe and protected, well that is good that he is doing better, please keep him safe.
Well on HUMP Day when I hit a year. We went and had pizza with the sisters, it was Me, Menezes(my comp), Jeppson, Liljenquist, Sister Sousa and Lobato. It was really good. Then that night me and Jeppson burned our shirts. Well mine was pretty funny. Well a while ago I received a shirt that was really light, I liked it so one of the missionaries gave it to me. I thought that since it was light and had a hole in it, it would be perfect to burn. Well it ended up melting the shirt because it was made out of plastic. I was kind of upset because I was expecting a cool big fire thing, but that was not what happened, oh well. I had a great time celebrating with all the other missionaries. I have it all on tape it is pretty funny. I look at it after and it is funny, but in the moment it was not.
Well we just finished playing basketball. I really stunk it up but I had a good time. Well we had zone conference this last week also. President is really changing the mission and some rules, but it is going good.
Well it sounds like you guys had a good week. Well have a good one and keep safe. Oh this week I studied in 2 Timothy 4:7. It is small but really powerful. I really liked this.
Well we are starting to find some people to teach. Me and my comp are having to work in 3 areas-Ala 1, Ala 5 and Ibaté. It is kind of stressful but we are starting to do it. Well it is still hot, but the last few days we have had a wind at night that is a little cold.
Well have a good week. I love you and thanks for all that you do to help me. Well take care.
Elder Shelley